Monday, February 9, 2015

R2: Sound

I have always thought sound to be an extremely important but I had never considered in some of the ways that I was exposed to through the readings and videos I viewed. I like the concept of exploring sound in nature and focusing on separate and unique sounds. I never thought of pollution in the form of sound, but now I will notice it often. I completely agree that we live in a world supersaturated with noises that we never ask for. I love the concept of preserving areas that have natural sound and I never even knew that was possible. The only thing I thought about during Justin Boyd: Sound and Time was how much I admired his skill for recording sound. One thing I have always wished I knew more about was sound recording and he seemed to take it to a level I wish I could. My favorite part of Listen was when he held up the sign that read, “Listen” and held it there for about a minute. I began to closely listen to my surroundings and noticing all the small sounds and trying to figure out what was causing them. I began to wonder what it would be like to experience absolutely zero sound and if that is even possible. It made me reminisce to the media fast where I began to notice how amazed I became at the sound of driving with no music or speaking. It made me feel like I was just sitting in a quiet room and happened to be flying through the air at 60mph. This lead to other strange thoughts about cars in general but that is a topic for another time and place!

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