Monday, January 26, 2015

72 hour Media Fast

During the time I spent participating in the 72 hour media fast I was mostly sick. This caused a large part of the fast to spent sleeping and enjoying the freedom of loosening the tight grip that technology has on us at times. I was able to relax and not have to respond to anyone because I was forced not to. The biggest difference I noticed was how impulsive and involuntary it had become to check my phone. It was strange to realize how often I tried to check my phone for no reason at all! I also learned that the sound of my silent car as I am driving is not only calming but very self reflective. I enjoyed driving to the store to pick up medicine and hearing a muffled white noise sounding environment around me. I can only imagine the growing dependency our society has on technology and I wonder how integral and second nature it is to the generation being born today. I want to know what it would be like for children in middle school today to do a media fast.

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